Friday, February 22, 2013

Emissions Laboratory Upgrades

Transportation Research Center Inc.’s (TRC Inc.) Emissions Laboratory has recently purchased a new AVL Particle Counter, a small engine dynamometer, and has recommissioned its Sealed Housing for Evaporative Determination (SHED) in order to meet changing industry and customer needs.
The new AVL Particle Counter 489 measures and analyzes the non-volatile particle number concentrations, or Particulate Number (PN), of engine exhaust gas, in accordance with European standards.
TRC Inc. has also added a new 30kW Magtrol 2WB115-V/S001m small engine dynamometer, which has helped bridge the gap in the Emissions Laboratory’s engine emissions testing capabilities.  TRC Inc.’s Emissions Laboratory provides small engine emissions testing for gasoline and diesel, ranging from fractional horsepower up to 320 horsepower. 
 In order to improve testing for exhaust gas emissions and hydrocarbon vapors, TRC Inc. has recommissioned its SHED chamber.  The SHED, in which the temperature can be controlled, tests the exhaust gas emitted during the operation of vehicles and the amount of hydrocarbon vapors emitted during the refueling of motor vehicles.  It is capable of completing the standard one-hour heat build and hot soak evaporative emissions tests currently required for motorcycle certification.  TRC Inc. is in the process of certifying variable temperature, on-board refueling vapor recovery (ORVR), and point-source Running Loss evaporative SHEDs for light-duty vehicle certification.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

7.5-Mile Test Track Repaving Project

Celebrated upon dedication as the world’s largest transportation research center, with over 200 million miles of durability testing and a recorded top speed of 254 mph, this iconic facility recently underwent a complete resurfacing. 
The track officially opened for testing in 1974, and it has never been completely closed for a full resurfacing in its 38 years.  Motorcycles, passenger cars, buses, trucks, and much more have been continually tested on the 7.5-Mile Test Track for a variety of research and test programs.  The track is frequently used for mileage accumulation, long-term durability studies, brake burnishes, fuel economy programs, and much more.
The original track consisted of concrete and asphalt lanes, but is now be completely resurfaced with asphalt.  The rehabilitation process will help prevent reflective cracking and create a smoother surface, allowing for greater utilization of the straightaways and permitting the return of high speeds in the curves.
If you have any questions or concerns, or would like additional information about the resurfacing project, please feel free to contact us at 937-666-2011.